Friday, January 27, 2017

Behaviorism and Technology

            Behaviorism can essentially be defined as a behavior management plan that either reinforces or punishes behaviors. The relationship between behaviorism, instructional strategies and technology tools all interrelate one common factor; the student. In the traditional classroom, students are conditioned depending on their behaviors demonstrated. For example, in an elementary classroom, a teacher might have a behavioral contract, a recess chart or reward chart. Depending on the behaviors demonstrated the student may either be rewarded or punished accordingly. Dr. Orey described behaviorism and technology in such a way that may perfect sense. Technology tutorials are used to present a small amount of information with guiding questions and encouraging answers that are then deemed right or wrong.  Strategies that work in relation to the learning theory are integration of tutorials and encouraging student independence. Students can now watch their own independent tutorial and perform accordingly based off of their provided answer. One downfall is that tutorials are simply remediation and reducing the idea of focusing on student understanding. This style of teaching (drill and practice), is not an enriched way of teaching or learning. 

            I utilize many behavioristic approaches in the classroom, but I do not integrate technology within each. Perhaps I could utilize google forms on a more regular basis which would provide immediate feedback on given topics? I am trying to think about how to integrate both into a physical education setting, but it is difficult to wrap my mind around.
If I integrated google forms within units, students meet ISTE 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making. This is because with the use of google forms students are deciding which of the answers is correct per immediate feedback.They must utilize critical thinking skills depending on the question being asked too. With the implementation of such tool, teachers would then be meeting ISTE 2: Design and developing digital age learning experiences and assessments. By providing these 21st century learning experiences, the teacher is preparing the student for potential college and career experiences in the technology realm. 

I could not imagine integrating the Hour of Code into my classroom. That would be ridiculous. However, I would integrate Genius Hour into my Health units in several different fashions. Ideally, students would identify an area in which they are interested in whether it is a diet, health concern, awareness, disease, etc. They would create a question in which they would want to answer and research it with a plan, cure, presentations in mind. These research concepts would be geared towards each individual and they would have time during class to work on their piece. Currently, the district I teach in works off of a modified block schedule. This means we have 3 regular days of 8 periods/day and 2 days of 4 blocks days  (86 minute classes). On block days, students would be given time to work on their project. The students behaviors would be reinforced through the concept of check ins and they would not be allowed to move forward with their project until the previous part is completed (per rubric).  Ideally, this would motivate students to work diligently on their assignment and encourage intrinsic motivation. 

The use of technology through a behavioristic approach provides students with a 21st century learning experiences. Students are still rewarded or punished based off their behavior, but simply on a more immediate, technological basis. 


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). Standards for students. Retrieved from

International Socitey for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2008). Standards for teachers. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015j). The changing work environment [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Greetings From the Unknown World of Blogging

Purpose of Blog in Classroom:

Blogging within certain content areas may deem more acceptable than others. In my current position, as a PE and Health teacher I cannot wrap my mind around wasting valuable class time to allow for a blogging experience. Students need to be active in PE. Therefore, if blogging was a requirement, it would be an at home assignment for students to complete. However, within the health curriculum, students would be able to utilize their time in class to blog as I have them do now. Students currently write in a blue journal for the first 5 minutes of class regarding a topic of their own or a given prompt. This provides students with an opportunity to relieve stress (one of the topics covered) or express their current issues/feelings etc. 

The purpose of utilizing a blog in the classroom would be a to provide students with a safe, private place to write or express their feelings. My blog assignments would be used by students within their health education. I would monitor progress on a weekly basis to ensure students are providing well in depth understanding of a topic or a well written expression piece.

Currently, I teach high school PE/Health under what we call "Wellness Education." Within the students wellness education programs, they learn about physical education skills, sports, fitness, and different movement patterns. The health education students receive promote healthy nutrition strategies, stress management, bullying and much more.

The wellness program encourages and promotes lifelong physical activity in hopes of creating students who enjoy participating in activity now and later on in their life. My students are freshmen and juniors who are fully capable of blogging as it would allow for differentiated approaches with keeping the space casual. I would be incorporating blogging in the health education cycle and encourage students to use it as a form of stress management. Although coping with stress can take place in many forms, I feel as though students who are provided with a safe place to blog and de-load will be a great experience.The benefits of blogging for stress relief definitely outweigh the drawbacks. Blogging helps decrease stress through social interaction with others. ( Lukas n.d.)

The technology standards for both students and teachers challenge both groups of individuals to implement and utilize technology within a specific setting. Using a blog to reach these standards is a great way to go about doing so. Since the students will be blogging in their own personal space, the standard being met is ISTE 6: Creative Communicator (ISTE 2016). This standard will be met because students will be communicating clearly and expressing themselves creatively through the use of their own personal blog. The second technology standard that students also meet through the use of implementing blogging in such fashion would be ISTE 2: Digital Citizen (ISTE 2016). This standard is being met through the use of an online forum ( blog space) that promotes and requires students to abide by the rights, responsibilities and opportunities provided in the digital forum.

Implementing the blog also meets standards for teachers who are providing an educational experience. The first standard that this meets for teachers is ISTE 3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning (ISTE 2008). This is met through providing weekly samples of blogs for students to appropriately model after. The second standard that this meets for teachers is ISTE 2: Designing and Developing Age Learning Experiences and Assessments (ISTE 2008). This is met through providing a safe, comfortable blog space that utilizes technology integration rather than a simple paper and pencil assignment.

The use of blogging can be utilized as an educational tool for students in many settings. Within the Health Education setting, it can be utilized to promote stress management skills and the ability to appropriately express feelings/expressions/ideas on topics.


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). Standards for students. Retrieved from

International Socitey for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2008). Standards for teachers. Retrieved from

Lukas, J. (n.d.). Coping through blogging: A review of studies on the potential benefits of weblogs for stress reduction. Retrieved January 20, 2017.