Friday, February 17, 2017

Voice Thread

The voice thread I created was for my high school students who might be absent from class. Since PE is slightly different then other content areas, delivering content may look different! Our current grading system requires students to earn physical activity points on a daily basis. If students are not in class, they simply do not receive points. In order to make a more "fair" approach for those students who are sick, out long term due to injury or other instances, the PE department has created a variety of alternative assignments depending on the unit.

Within this specific voice thread, students who miss a day of the fitness unit must perform a fitness workout at home. They may utilize their resources or create a workout of their own. Students must write a mini description on the logging sheet provided to them at the beginning of the semester and have a parent/guardian sign off upon completion. Although students can simply have their parents sign the sheet and cheat, we stress the honor system and hope for the best. The voice thread explains the expectation as well as encourages students to perform the activities! The logging sheet has been given hard copy to students at the beginning of the semester and again at the beginning of the unit to ensure papers are not "lost."

Enjoy the voice thread.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Constructionism and Constructivism

                                                          Constructionism and Constructivism
           Constructivism can be defined as “the theory of knowledge stating that each individual actively constructs his/her own meaning” (Laureate 2015). This learning philosophy or theory was explained in a fashion that it does not truly have a place in the classroom. Constructivism has “no absolute and is uniquely constructed within the minds and experiences” (Laureate 2015).  Constructionism is the learning theory in which teachers should utilize and implement within their teaching practices. Constructionism is “a theory of learning that states people learn best when they build an external artifact or something they can share with others” (Laureate 2015).  Within this theory, students build and share what they learn with others. The concept revolves around the idea of building meaning. The relationship between the two are formed around the central theme of constructing within the mind and experiences.
            Utilizing technology to support constructivism and constructionism is one approach Mr. Orey discussed in his media clip. Within the learning experience, Dr. Orey used PowerPoint as the example tool that supports students constructing meaning. PowePoint allows students to construct information into a presentation or means of expression. Essentially, students are “creating” and are “engaged deeply” within their learning process. With this creation process and tools, students are almost forced to create an experience that will essentially create networks of memory.
            The peer-reviewed article that I researched was in relation to physical activity and physical education.  The concept of the constructivist approach “examined the impact of a constructivist curriculum on in-class physical activity” (Chen 2007).  The student concluded with results that suggested that the constructivist approach did in fact facilitate content knowledge learning with little risk of reducing in class physical activity. “It is believed that motor skills and physically active behavior are acquired through the same construction process” (Chen 2007).
            Using the constructivist approach in physical education or health education can be made simple. I utilize it almost on a daily basis because students are encouraged to create and construct their own meaning of physical activity through the choices of activities they get to participate in during classes. However, in terms of health education, I could incorporate constructionist-learning style while in the classroom. Students can create their own technology presentation on topics, such as the juniors diet and supplement project. The ISTE standard that students meet during this type of activity would be Standard 4: Innovative Designer. Since students are taking an active role in constructing through technology. Teachers implementing such assignment would be ISTE 1:Faciliate and inspire student learning and creativity. Through the students construction, students are utilizing their creative juices and forming. Encouraging students to remain engaged and creative allows for networks of memories and content to be learned.

            The sources that I researched were all geared towards physical education. It was imperative that I find ways to incorporate this learning theory into my own content area. I realized that there are ways of encouraging students to create their own learning process and experience to achieve learning goals. For example, in physical education, students who participate in small-sided team games are forced to create their own success through cooperation and team strategy. I can incorporate these strategies into my GH lesson simply.  Since students are creating their own research project and presentation based on their diet and supplement choice, it will be the students construction of content and meaning that be related to GH.

Chen, A., Martin, R., Sun, H., & Ennis, C. D. (2007, December). Is In-Class Physical Activity at Risk in Constructivist Physical Education? Retrieved February 08, 2017, from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015e). Constructionist and constructivist learning theories [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

YouTube. PE Video Social Constructivism - YouTube. Retrieved February 7, 2017, from

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Virtual Field Trip to Grand Canyon

Virtual Field Trip

Students attended an online virtual tour through the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was chosen as the place because throughout the students exploration, they can begin to realize the importance of truly being physically active rather than solely watching a video clip or panoramic pictures. The virtual field trip promotes miles walked in relation to walking, a very low impact cardiovascular activity. The goal of the virtual field trip is to encourage students to get outside and get moving through hiking. Many students simply do not have motivation to exercise outside. They can explore their natural world through online experiences thus thinking it is okay to not experience it first hand.

Virtual Field Trip Site:

This graphic organizer ( the Venn Diagram) was used with students who visited the Grand Canyon during their experience hiking. The comparison between a virtual tour and how they might experience it physically in real person will be identified.  The benefits of physical activity will be introduced during the lesson before and enforced through this virtual field trip.

Graphic Organizer:

This lesson was well received by my high school juniors. Students enjoyed filling out the online tool as they were looking at the pictures and identifying the differences between physically attending and simply viewing online. Students all have chrome books and were able to participate in the field trip at their own pace. The lesson promoted physical activity and encouraged learning the benefits of staying physically active. Aside from the benefits, students were also able to identify the negative aspects of viewing nature through an online lens. The culminating activity that students participated in was a hike through a local park; Hubbard Park. Students were able to explore and feel the physical benefits as well as enjoy the natural world.