Friday, February 17, 2017

Voice Thread

The voice thread I created was for my high school students who might be absent from class. Since PE is slightly different then other content areas, delivering content may look different! Our current grading system requires students to earn physical activity points on a daily basis. If students are not in class, they simply do not receive points. In order to make a more "fair" approach for those students who are sick, out long term due to injury or other instances, the PE department has created a variety of alternative assignments depending on the unit.

Within this specific voice thread, students who miss a day of the fitness unit must perform a fitness workout at home. They may utilize their resources or create a workout of their own. Students must write a mini description on the logging sheet provided to them at the beginning of the semester and have a parent/guardian sign off upon completion. Although students can simply have their parents sign the sheet and cheat, we stress the honor system and hope for the best. The voice thread explains the expectation as well as encourages students to perform the activities! The logging sheet has been given hard copy to students at the beginning of the semester and again at the beginning of the unit to ensure papers are not "lost."

Enjoy the voice thread.

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