Thursday, February 2, 2017

Virtual Field Trip to Grand Canyon

Virtual Field Trip

Students attended an online virtual tour through the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was chosen as the place because throughout the students exploration, they can begin to realize the importance of truly being physically active rather than solely watching a video clip or panoramic pictures. The virtual field trip promotes miles walked in relation to walking, a very low impact cardiovascular activity. The goal of the virtual field trip is to encourage students to get outside and get moving through hiking. Many students simply do not have motivation to exercise outside. They can explore their natural world through online experiences thus thinking it is okay to not experience it first hand.

Virtual Field Trip Site:

This graphic organizer ( the Venn Diagram) was used with students who visited the Grand Canyon during their experience hiking. The comparison between a virtual tour and how they might experience it physically in real person will be identified.  The benefits of physical activity will be introduced during the lesson before and enforced through this virtual field trip.

Graphic Organizer:

This lesson was well received by my high school juniors. Students enjoyed filling out the online tool as they were looking at the pictures and identifying the differences between physically attending and simply viewing online. Students all have chrome books and were able to participate in the field trip at their own pace. The lesson promoted physical activity and encouraged learning the benefits of staying physically active. Aside from the benefits, students were also able to identify the negative aspects of viewing nature through an online lens. The culminating activity that students participated in was a hike through a local park; Hubbard Park. Students were able to explore and feel the physical benefits as well as enjoy the natural world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,
    What an awesome presentation! If the students have never been to the Grand Canyon the virtual pictures are a great way for students to become motivated to want to go see it! Comparing and contrasting is a skill set that is often revisited throughout kindergarten. I have created many Venn Diagrams on the SmartBoard and on chart paper but I am excited to bring this version into my classroom. Using these concept maps “help students organize their thoughts around the essential information and gets them thinking about what they know about the topic even before the teacher has fully begun the lesson”(Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007, p. 94).

    - Samantha

    Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works(2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
