Sunday, March 5, 2017

Reflective Essay

Prior to taking this course, I thought I had a sound understanding of implementing technology and utilizing a variety of different tools to enhance my instructional strategies. However, I realized that there are plenty more opportunities when using technology that even a physical education teacher can use. If anything, I learned that any and all technology could be related to physical education, which is something that definitely resonated with me after completing this course.
            The variety media, resources and activities throughout this course have helped develop my own technology skills as a professional teacher. As part of this course, we were instructed to create a blog and twitter page to track and share our findings with our colleagues. Aside from our own postings, we were also expected to utilize social media and blog sites as a collaborative tool. Going outside of my own comfort zone and creating such tools to use and then collaborate within, was a huge advance for myself as a teacher.
            One social media tool that I am going to try to implement in the classroom is a Wellness Twitter Page.  The purpose of the class Twitter will be for means of communication between teacher and student, as well as communication and discussion between student and student. “It is important to remember that, no matter what your position is on social media, for young people it is amongst the most common mediums in which they write regularly. A survey in January of this year calculated that there are 11,784,460 Facebook and 2,200,000 Twitter users in Australia, with an incredible daily average of 1.4 million tweets per day. Given, many of those tweets are as easily forgettable as they are laughable. But their occurrence signals the incredible use of social media as a platform for writing” (November & Mull 2012). This means that with the opportunity to utilize a widely popular social media tool, students can begin to see the larger picture of using technology in education and eventually the work force. Students need to be able to see how social media tools can be used for other purposes other than meaningless socializing and retweeting of “garbage.”  The tool will be extremely beneficial in my high school wellness classes since all students have access to the internet via school provided chromebooks, as well as instant access per use of their cell phones. Assignments, collaboration, and other discussions can be completed with ease. Potential roadblocks that I can see happening are students not being allowed to sign up on twitter per parental or guardian restriction, lack of internet access at home or issues with privacy and appropriateness. The latter of the roadblocks is of priority because students at the high school age are very famililar with twitter and social media use. With this expertise comes issues of posting appropriate or going against class privacy settings. For example, how would I ensure, other than class expectations, that students do not send private messages or post inappropriate tweets in regards to topics we are discussing? With the expectation of remaining appropriate, students would be removed and penalized accordingly. My plan to overcome that priority roadblock would be to truly instill expectations and create a safe environment for students to ensure the twitter page remain a place of learning.
            Twitter use in the classroom supports ISTE for students standard 2: digital citizen “ students Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical” (ISTE 2016). Twitter supports engaging in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology. This means they are utilizing the social media tool with responsibility and not criticizing, bullying or engaging in inappropriate behaviors.  The ISTE standard that supports teachers is standard 2: design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. This standard supports the use of a twitter page because the teacher is designing a learning experience and digital learning environment used to aid in development of content knowledge, skills, and attitudes. (ISTE 2006)

            One long term smart goal that I will set for transforming my classroom environment in order to help students gain needed technological tools for their future is to implement one new Web 2.0 tool a year. By doing so, I will not feel overwhelmed by the number of tools I could implement, and focus more on just one that I can master and implement. If I can implement and master one a year, my teaching practice will remain updated and I will have built a bank of web 2.0 tools. Another long term smart goal is to become more proficient with the ISTE standards for both students and teacher. By remaining updated with these standards, the teacher will be able to provide the utmost learning experience while also staying accountable for teacher standards.


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). Standards for students. Retrieved from

International Socitey for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2008). Standards for teachers. Retrieved from

November, A., & Mull, B. (2012, October 12). How twitter can be used as a powerful educational tool. Retrieved from

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